Appetizer Recipes
Roasted cauliflower with soy sauce, lemon, olive oil, and spices is a simple veggie dish and a flavorful side dish for any meal.
Hot and cheesy Spinach and Asparagus Dip without mayo is a crowd pleaser dip and a perfect party appetizer for gatherings.
A healthy vegetarian dish with roasted potatoes, spinach & spices. It is easy to make, and can be served as a side or main dish.
If you are looking for a crowd-pleasing appetizer, try this Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms recipe - An easy party appetizer idea!
This stacked beets with feta cheese recipe is simple to make and is a perfect starter salad or side salad to any meal.
French baguette stuffed with cheese and cilantro is a crowd favorite appetizer recipe that is cheesy, flavorful and easy to make.
These stuffed cucumber bites are very elegant yet super simple to make. The perfect refreshing appetizer recipe for your next gathering!
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms with spinach and ricotta cheese are an easy vegetarian appetizer that can be served as a vegetarian main dish too.
Baked stuffed tomatoes with eggplants recipe is a simple vegetarian recipe that requires only a few ingredients. A great holiday dinner side...
Fresh tomatoes stuffed with tuna salad are a great dinner idea for busy weeknights. This stuffed tomatoes recipe will be your new favorite r...
If you are looking for a healthy and easy tuna salad recipe, try this Tuna and Black Eyed Peas salad recipe that is full of flavor and filli...
Here is a simple yet tasty tuna salad recipe with canned tuna, celery, dill pickles, fresh cilantro and lemon juice that is ready in under 1...
Vegetable Tuna Salad (no mayo tuna salad) made with onion, garlic, bell pepper, olives, tomato, olive oil, lemon juice and Worcestershire sa...
Turkish Borek with cheese and cilantro is a delicious and simple Turkish appetizer recipe made with phyllo dough that can be customized with...
This twice baked sweet potatoes stuffed with fresh cilantro, green onions, garlic, and Mozzarella cheese is a simple veggie recipe and a per...
Need a vegetarian dinner idea? Try this meat-free Vegetable Stuffed Eggplant recipe that is simple to make and makes the perfect mid-week meal!
These Cream Cheese Veggie Roll Ups are so simple to make! Made with flour tortillas, cream cheese, fresh herbs and taco seasoning. A fantast...
Vietnamese spring rolls recipe is a healthy and easy appetizer that looks great on your table. These spring rolls can be served as a light l...
Whipped Feta with Roasted Tomatoes made with a few simple ingredients is a creamy and flavorful appetizer or side dish!
Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Sauce is a healthy and simple vegetarian dish, great for serving as a side dish or vegetarian main.
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