Appetizer Recipes
Caprese Skewers is a healthy appetizer that is both easy to make and impressive! This easy finger food is ready in minutes.
Brussels Sprouts with a simple lemon-herb dressing is a great side dish for any holiday gatherings!
Marinated cheese and olive wreath is the easiest make ahead appetizer for Christmas party!
What to do with leftover mashed potatoes? Try Mashed Potato Cups with Ground Beef! A perfect make ahead dinner for busy nights and the best ...
A great way to use leftover mashed potatoes is making these easy Mashed Potato Muffins. Kids will love these delicious potato puffs.
Mast o Khiar (Persian yogurt cucumber) is a Persian side dish or Persian dip that makes a great appetizer with chips and a great side for ma...
Looking for stuffed pita pockets recipe? Make this Mini Vegetable Sandwich and serve as an appetizer or snack for the parties.
This minty pea dip is a great appetizer idea for any party. An easy cold dip with green peas, mint, yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest and spices.
Muhammara is an easy Middle Eastern dip with roasted red pepper and walnuts. A fantastic appetizer for parties or gatherings!
Pizza Toast is a simple homemade pizza toast made with sandwich bread, mushroom, cheese and sausage. A great snack for kids!
Here is the easiest soft olive bread recipe with Parmesan cheese. A no-knead bread recipe that anyone can make!
This Olive Cheese Bread is a simple appetizer that comes together in just minutes, making it a simple crowd-pleaser.
Looking for a quick summer salad recipe? Try this olive salad with tomato, olives, walnuts, garlic, oregano and balsamic.
Olive Tapenade is the perfect make ahead party appetizer that can be served as a spread on bread or crackers or as a topping for crostini.
Open Faced Chicken Sandwich is a quick sandwich recipe made with just a few simple ingredients. Perfect for a quick weeknight dinner.
Oven-Baked Paneer is a quick and easy appetizer, making it the perfect finger food for any gathering!
Panir Bereshteh is a Persian dish made with feta, dill, butter and eggs. It can be served as a light dinner or as an appetizer with crackers.
Looking for an easy and kid-friendly snack? Try these bite-sized pepperoni pizza puffs that come together in just 30 minutes!
Pesto Pastry Twists recipe is a simple snack recipe with puff pastry and pesto sauce that can be ready in less than 30 minutes.
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