Chicken Recipes
Simple Avocado Chicken Salad made with shredded chicken, avocado, green onion, coriander and mayonnaise. A healthy dinner with chicken and a...
Baked Pesto Chicken is an easy five-ingredient chicken dinner recipe! Pair this chicken bake with pasta, rice or your favorite salad for the...
Bell Pepper Chicken Nachos recipe is a healthy nachos recipe without chips! This chicken nachos is an easy party appetizer perfect for any g...
Bell Peppers Chicken Stew is hearty, healthy and super easy to make. A perfect one-pot meal for busy weeknights!
Broccoli Chicken Casserole is a super simple casserole to make and is comforting. A perfect low carb recipe with chicken and broccoli for dinner!
Hearty and comforting Chicken and Eggplant Stew! This delicious one-pot meal is easy enough for a weeknight dinner.
This low calorie Chicken and Vegetable Salad is a healthy chicken salad recipe for weight loss and a perfect idea for a simple lunch or a li...
Need a sandwich recipe? This hot shredded Chicken Cheese Sandwich is easy to make and is perfect for picnics and potlucks!
What to cook for dinner tonight? Try this easy ham and cheese stuffed chicken breast recipe that only takes 45 minutes to make!
Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole is an easy chicken recipe for dinner for families with few ingredients. Perfect dish for busy days!
Chicken Fettuccine without cream is a light pasta dish made with chicken, cream cheese and salsa sauce. Super quick and easy dinner perfect ...
Chicken in Vegetable Spread Sauce is a hearty and easy chicken recipe for dinner with few ingredients.
Looking for a hearty dinner recipe? Try this simple chicken and rice recipe with garam masala and red kidney beans. A big family dinner idea!
Indian Chicken Masala Stew is a flavorful and hearty one-pot chicken stew with Indian spices. An easy comfort food recipe!
Homemade Chicken Nuggets made with chicken breast and seasoned with a flavorful spice blend! A simple and healthy weeknight meal your whole ...
Oven baked Chicken Parmesan is tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. The best comfort food that is ready in 30 minutes!
Chicken Pizza Toast is a simple recipe to make with kids and is perfect for a quick lunch or after school snack.
Cheesy homemade Chicken Quesadillas with a few ingredients. A simple dinner recipe that is ready in under 30 minutes!
Chicken Rice Balls Recipe - A simple and healthy dinner recipe with leftover chicken and rice.
A quick, easy and filling herbs salad recipe with leftover chicken that is perfect for lunch and dinner!
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