Appetizer Recipes
Puff pastry cheese straws (cheese twists) are made with frozen puff pastry and flavored with Parmesan and cheddar cheese. One of the easiest...
Need a sandwich recipe? This hot shredded Chicken Cheese Sandwich is easy to make and is perfect for picnics and potlucks!
Homemade Chicken Nuggets made with chicken breast and seasoned with a flavorful spice blend! A simple and healthy weeknight meal your whole ...
Chicken Pizza Toast is a simple recipe to make with kids and is perfect for a quick lunch or after school snack.
Cheesy homemade Chicken Quesadillas with a few ingredients. A simple dinner recipe that is ready in under 30 minutes!
Need an easy summer recipe? Try this healthy cold Avocado Soup with yogurt that comes together in under 10 minutes.
Christmas Cheese Trees - This last minute no-cook appetizer made with laughing cow cheese, herbs and pretzel is a fun and easy appetizer rec...
What to do with leftover cooked chicken? Cilantro Chicken Salad recipe is the best way to use leftover chicken and make an easy salad.
Cilantro Cottage Cheese Dip made with a few simple ingredients is very easy to make and tastes good. This simple cottage cheese dip can be s...
Crispy veggie couscous fritters made with simple ingredients. They are super versatile and can be served as a side dish or veggie main!
These bite-sized Cream Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms with garlic and green onions are the perfect appetizer idea if you are planning a party!
Crispy Parmesan Potatoes are a delicious side dish with crispy, cheesy exteriors and tender interiors. An easy potato side dish for a crowd.
This Crispy Potato and Halloumi Bake is a simple vegetarian dinner, perfect to serve as a main course or a side dish.
What is the easiest way to eat broccoli? This easy-to-make crispy Parmesan broccoli chips recipe is a simple way to add broccoli into your diet.
This mushroom crostini with cheddar cheese and oregano is an easy vegetarian appetizer to make and a perfect finger food for your next party.
This easy veggie stuffed bell peppers recipe loaded with vegies and cheese is the best vegetarian main dish or appetizer!
Eggplant & Cheese Melt is a simple eggplant recipe that is a great party food idea, perfect for any occasion! This eggplant dish can be serv...
Looking for a satisfying salad recipe? Try this Roasted Eggplant Salad with Feta recipe. Eggplant feta salad works well as a light dish or a...
A quick and easy appetizer or side dish with fried eggplants, garlic, tomatoes and Greek yogurt.
Are you hosting a Halloween party and looking for easy Halloween recipes? Look no further! Freaky Hand in Dip recipe is an easy Halloween ap...
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