Appetizer Recipes
French Onion Sandwich with just couple of simple ingredients in less than 30 minutes. A time-friendly and budget-friendly sandwich for work.
How to make garlic bread at home? Here’s how to make the best garlic bread with sliced bread in 10 minutes! An easy side dish for dinner!
Garlic and Cheese Crostini is an easy appetizer with only 5 ingredients and definitely a big crowd pleaser.
Quick and easy Garlic Dipping Oil recipe for bread with just couple of simple ingredients. A great simple healthy appetizer for a crowd.
Spinach Pie or Spanakopita made with filo pastry, spinach, ricotta and feta that is easy to make and looks impressive. A great dish to make ...
This grilled baguette is a delicious appetizer or snack made with a baguette, pesto, tomatoes, and cheese, all grilled until crispy!
These Halloween deviled eggs make a great Halloween appetizer for Halloween party! A simple fun Halloween recipe for kids and adults!
This spooky Halloween Mummy with hot dogs is an easy and fun Halloween treat for kids and adults!
Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry is the perfect way to use the leftover ham and make a tasty puff pastry breakfast or puff pastry appetizer for Ho...
Ham and Cheese Quesadillas recipe is a quick, easy Mexican food with leftover ham and cheese that takes just minutes to make.
Honey Ricotta Dip with ricotta cheese, cream cheese and honey is an easy make-ahead appetizer recipe perfect for holiday parties!
Looking for a quick and easy one-pot meal that is perfect for busy nights? Try this easy to make hot dog and mushroom stew.
Italian Pasta Salad recipe with salami is a quick and easy Italian dish that is perfect for feeding a crowd!
Looking for an easy, last minute party appetizer? Try Jalapeno and Cream Cheese Dip that is the perfect warm appetizer for parties!
Kashke Bademjan is a simple Persian eggplant dish that could be served as a vegetarian main dish or as a vegetarian dip for a crowd.
Lemon Avocado on Pita Bread! A simple and healthy snack recipe with avocado in less than 5 minutes. An easy dip to make at home!
Lentil Avocado Salad - A colorful and healthy diet salad that is hearty enough for a veggie main dish and works well as a side.
Lotus Root Chips recipe made with lotus root is an easy snack for kids, that is also a healthy alternative to the potato chips.
These marinated bocconcini balls are the perfect make-ahead appetizer and finger food!
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