Quick and Easy Recipes
Scrambled Eggs with Herbs and Cheese is a quick and healthy low-carb breakfast idea for weekends and Sunday brunch.
Shrimp Chow Mein with Vegetables recipe is a perfect weeknight meal that is easy to make, delicious, and satisfying.
Shrimp soup with veggies is a savory, flavorful dish that is quick and simple to make. Perfect as a starter or a light main course!
Cheese Danish, with puff pastry & cream cheese, is both simple to prepare and delicious. Perfect for brunch or dessert.
Smashed potatoes with cheese are ridiculously tasty and easy to make! Perfect as a side or a comforting snack.
This Smoked Salmon Bagel Sandwich with cream cheese and capers is the perfect way to enjoy smoked salmon for breakfast.
This easy French seafood dish is perfect for a dinner party and a wonderful way to introduce fish into your child’s diet!
Spicy Basa Fillet with soy sauce is an easy Basa recipe ready in under 40 minutes—perfect for a quick weeknight dinner!
Easy-to-make Breaded Chicken Drumsticks, made with just a few simple ingredients, are the perfect idea for a weeknight dinner.
Vegetable Quinoa Soup is a hearty, vegetable-packed soup with plant-based protein, perfect for a light meal.
Spicy Shrimp with Soy Sauce is an easy seafood dish, ready in just 15 minutes! Perfect with noodles, rice, or veggies for dinner!
A healthy vegetarian dish with roasted potatoes, spinach & spices. It is easy to make, and can be served as a side or main dish.
Easy Spinach Ricotta Frittata, made with simple ingredients, is the perfect meal for feeding a group at brunch or breakfast!
Serve this simple Spinach Salad with Feta as a starter for any dinner party, or add protein for a comforting main dish.
Spinach Salad with Mandarin Oranges recipe is a light and refreshing summer salad recipe that goes well with almost any meal.
Quick & easy to make, homemade frozen strawberry yogurt without an ice cream maker is the perfect refreshing summer treat.
These stuffed cucumber bites are very elegant yet super simple to make. The perfect refreshing appetizer recipe for your next gathering!
Looking for a simple seafood recipe? This easy baked stuffed cod fillet with cream cheese and fresh cilantro is one of the best cod recipes.
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms with spinach and ricotta cheese are an easy vegetarian appetizer that can be served as a vegetarian main dish too.
Are you looking for a quick and easy lunch or dinner idea? Make this quick and easy Stuffed Tilapia with cream cheese and serve dish with ri...
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