Quick and Easy Recipes
Cheese and Ham Omelet is a tasty combination of eggs, ham and cheese. A simple breakfast with eggs perfect for special occasions!
Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry is the perfect way to use the leftover ham and make a tasty puff pastry breakfast or puff pastry appetizer for Ho...
Ham and Cheese Quesadillas recipe is a quick, easy Mexican food with leftover ham and cheese that takes just minutes to make.
Looking for an easy, last minute party appetizer? Try Jalapeno and Cream Cheese Dip that is the perfect warm appetizer for parties!
This Sweet ricotta pastry is a simple homemade tart recipe made with puff pastry, ricotta cheese and carrot jam. A perfect snack on the go.
Korean Ground Beef Bowl is an easy, budget-friendly Korean-inspired dish that can be made in just 15 minutes.
Lemon Avocado on Pita Bread! A simple and healthy snack recipe with avocado in less than 5 minutes. An easy dip to make at home!
Lentil Quinoa Salad is a healthy vegetarian dish perfect for picnics or BBQ party.
Mast o Khiar (Persian yogurt cucumber) is a Persian side dish or Persian dip that makes a great appetizer with chips and a great side for ma...
This Mexican baked eggs with cheese and beans is a perfect brunch idea for Sunday morning or a budget friendly dinner!
This minty pea dip is a great appetizer idea for any party. An easy cold dip with green peas, mint, yogurt, lemon juice, lemon zest and spices.
Mixed Vegetable with Feta Cheese is a healthy & easy to make side dish. Serve it on its own or as a vegetarian side dish for any meal.
No-Bake Mojito Energy Ball is a simple healthy snack with just a few ingredients, ready in 30 minutes.
Easy homemade Mushroom Soup is a perfect starter for any meal and a great addition to holiday meals.
Nargesi Esfenaj is a simple Persian breakfast made with spinach, garlic, onion and egg.
This Olive Cheese Bread is a simple appetizer that comes together in just minutes, making it a simple crowd-pleaser.
Looking for a quick summer salad recipe? Try this olive salad with tomato, olives, walnuts, garlic, oregano and balsamic.
Oregano Baked Eggs are a delicious low-carb breakfast recipe, perfect for lazy mornings and weekends!
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