Quick and Easy Recipes
Best homemade Creamy Tomato Soup! A delicious comfort food that is easy to make and is perfect for chilly winter nights.
This mushroom crostini with cheddar cheese and oregano is an easy vegetarian appetizer to make and a perfect finger food for your next party.
How to make avocado salad? Here is an easy recipe for Cucumber Avocado Salad with Feta a refreshing simple summer recipe that comes together...
What do you do with cottage cheese? make Cucumber Cottage Cheese Salad - a quick and easy low carb salad recipe with cottage cheese, cucumbe...
Looking for a satisfying salad recipe? Try this Roasted Eggplant Salad with Feta recipe. Eggplant feta salad works well as a light dish or a...
This No-Bake Energy Bites with oats, peanut butter and nuts is healthy, easy to make and delicious. A perfect no-bake snack for kids!
Looking for a quick, light and easy seafood recipe? Try this fish recipe with cod fillets, garlic, coriander, parsley and lemon juice.
French Onion Sandwich with just couple of simple ingredients in less than 30 minutes. A time-friendly and budget-friendly sandwich for work.
French Toast with egg, milk and cinnamon is an easy to make breakfast or brunch idea for family gathering.
How to cook scallops in pan? Learn how to cook scallops in 10 minutes with a perfectly golden brown crust and mayo sauce topping!
Fruit Yogurt is a healthy recipe with vanilla yogurt and fruits. It’s perfect to enjoy as a healthy breakfast or a simple dessert for kids!
How to make garlic bread at home? Here’s how to make the best garlic bread with sliced bread in 10 minutes! An easy side dish for dinner!
Garlic and Cheese Crostini is an easy appetizer with only 5 ingredients and definitely a big crowd pleaser.
Green Bean Salad is a simple and light make ahead salad with green beans, mushroom, sunflower kernels, and Parmesan in a vinegar dressing.
Grilled Chicken Skewers - An easy chicken recipe made with fresh and healthy ingredients that can be grilled easily indoors in the oven.
This grilled baguette is a delicious appetizer or snack made with a baguette, pesto, tomatoes, and cheese, all grilled until crispy!
Veracruz style haddock is a simple and light seafood dish with tomato, olive, garlic and onion. This easy baked fish is perfect for busy wee...
What are the best cooking methods for haddock? Frying fillets is a quick way to make haddock that will be ready in less than 30 minutes.
How to make ham and cheese croissant? Here is a super easy to make-ahead sandwich with croissant, perfect for breakfast or lunch.
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