Chicken Recipes
Open Faced Chicken Sandwich is a quick sandwich recipe made with just a few simple ingredients. Perfect for a quick weeknight dinner.
Delicious and simple Orange Juice Chicken Casserole is the easiest weeknight dinner ever!
Pomegranate Chicken Casserole made with mushrooms, pomegranate molasses, mayo, and onion is a satisfying weeknight meal.
Craving comfort food? Try this simple casserole with leftover chicken and quinoa. The perfect weeknight meal that is hearty & healthy!
This mixed rice is a combination of rice, chicken, herbs, cumin and pomegranate molasses. A comforting and healthy main dish!
Salad Olivieh is similar to Russian Olivier and is a popular dish in Persian cuisine, often served as an appetizer or side dish.
Deliciously coated in sour cream and flavorful bread crumbs, this easy-to-make chicken dish is a dinner the whole family will love!
Easy-to-make Breaded Chicken Drumsticks, made with just a few simple ingredients, are the perfect idea for a weeknight dinner.
The Spicy Balsamic Chicken Drumsticks recipe is an easy, budget-friendly dish that is perfect for busy weeknights.
Spicy Potato and Chicken Casserole is a hearty, flavorful one-pan dinner for a crowd that comes together easily.
Looking for an easy dinner idea? Try this stuffed chicken recipe with spinach and ricotta. A perfect dish for any occasion!
If you are looking for a new chicken dish, look no further! Try this Sumac Chicken recipe that is tender, delicious and perfect. This easy c...
Teriyaki Chicken and Cauliflower Stew - Super delicious and easy chicken dish, perfect for a weeknight dinner!
Delicious Yogurt and Masala Chicken Stew made with chicken, yogurt, potato, cilantro, ginger, garam masala, tomato, dried mint, and spices. ...
Yogurt Chicken Casserole packed with vegetables is a simple low-carb casserole recipe that the whole family will absolutely love!
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