Chicken Recipes
The best healthy Chicken Taco Soup recipe loaded with beans, tomatoes, chicken and spices. Perfect idea for dinner or light lunch.
Chicken Tortilla Pie is an easy Mexican dinner recipe with tortilla, beans, chicken & cheese, perfect make ahead meal for weeknights.
Looking for an easy main dish recipe with chicken? Try this chicken dish topped with a simple mushroom sauce made from scratch.
Looking for an easy chicken recipe? Chicken in tarragon sauce is the best chicken recipe you will find. An easy comfort food recipe!
What to do with leftover cooked chicken? Cilantro Chicken Salad recipe is the best way to use leftover chicken and make an easy salad.
Dinner is on the table in less than 30 minutes with this breaded chicken with crushed cornflakes. One of the easiest chicken recipes ever!
This 30-minutes chicken casserole is easy to make and is the perfect dish for busy weeknight dinner!
This Creamy Chicken Pasta is a simple, kid-friendly dish that looks impressive yet is easy to make on weeknights.
Curried Chicken Mushroom Stew is a very simple yet flavorful Indian stew made with chicken, mushroom and lots of spices.
This mixed rice recipe is a simple rice recipe for dinner made with dill, chicken, beans, and flavored with saffron and cinnamon. An easy fa...
Tender chicken breast in creamy sauce made with cream cheese, basil & oregano! A comforting chicken dinner that everyone will enjoy.
Fesenjan (Persian Pomegranate Walnut Stew) is an easy Persian stew made with pomegranate molasses, chicken and walnuts.
Grilled Chicken Skewers - An easy chicken recipe made with fresh and healthy ingredients that can be grilled easily indoors in the oven.
Honey Sesame Chicken is a spicy and sweet chicken dish with honey and soy sauce. An easy meal that the whole family will love!
A simple and healthy way to cook chicken in a pot on the stove with water, onion, garlic, saffron, turmeric powder and more spices.
This Italian Chicken Casserole recipe is a quick and simple low-carb dinner with just a few ingredients, perfect for busy weeknights!
How to make chicken stew at home? Try this hearty Jamaican Chicken Stew with simple ingredient like black beans, tomato, garlic, and spices.
Morgh-e Torsh is an easy Persian stew made with chicken, fresh herbs, and yellow split peas.
Mushroom Chicken Stew is a creamy and comforting stew recipe, and a real crowd pleaser dish!
Mustard Crusted Chicken is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. This baked chicken dish is an easy dinner idea for the family!
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