Side Dish Recipes
Stacked Beets with Feta Cheese is a simple, healthy diet salad that is perfect as a starter or side dish for any meal.
French baguette stuffed with cheese and cilantro is a crowd favorite appetizer recipe that is cheesy, flavorful and easy to make.
Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms with spinach and ricotta cheese are an easy vegetarian appetizer that can be served as a vegetarian main dish too.
Baked stuffed tomatoes with eggplants recipe is a simple vegetarian recipe that requires only a few ingredients. A great holiday dinner side...
Fresh tomatoes stuffed with tuna salad are a great dinner idea for busy weeknights. This stuffed tomatoes recipe will be your new favorite r...
Easy Sweet Potato Casserole is the ideal combination of mashed sweet potatoes base and a sweet buttery pecan topping. This is the best sweet...
This twice baked sweet potatoes stuffed with fresh cilantro, green onions, garlic, and Mozzarella cheese is a simple veggie recipe and a per...
Need a vegetarian dinner idea? Try this meat-free Vegetable Stuffed Eggplant recipe that is simple to make and makes the perfect mid-week meal!
Whole Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Sauce is a healthy and simple vegetarian dish, great for serving as a side dish or vegetarian main.
Zeytoon Parvardeh is a famous Persian appetizer (or side dish) made with green olives, garlic, herbs, pomegranate paste, and walnuts.
Zucchini Bites recipe is an easy low-carb recipe made with potato, zucchini, lemon zest and Panko. Serve these healthy veggie bites as a sna...
This healthy Zucchini Fritters recipe is so quick and easy make. A delicious combination of zucchini, fresh parsley, basil, garlic, and lemo...
Zucchini with Cottage Cheese is an easy side dish recipe that is great with any meals. And here is the best way to make sauteed zucchini sid...
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